Indian politicians, one thought, had the expertise to convert any non-issue into an issue of national importance.But a recent development in France got me thinking on what is an issue and what is a non-issue and i realised that this conforms to the alignment of one's thinking.Before we get to that, first the issue in France. There is strong opposition against the decision by a chain of fast food restaurants to drop it's bacon burger and pork dishes from its menu and serve only halal meat in 8 of it's outlets located in muslim-centric areas.The bacon-burger loving population of those areas are up in arms against the restaurant chain citing a discrimination against their habits and an inconvenience caused to them since they need to travel an extra-distance to find a bacon burger.This discrimination cry has stirred up a debate even among political circles in France.Simply looking at it ,it's a great opportunity for a competitor to lap up the business.But the perspective...