Beef up your thought
The fantastic ability of our Mainstream Media to elevate incongruent events into the public narrative is almost hypnotic to those who bow to the hashtag as the harbinger of righteousness. There is an event, there is news and then there is the hashtag opinion which you can subscribe to and finally there is your own opinion - which could arise from a number of factors like education, learning, emotion, understanding or even stupidity. The Event It is actually what happened. It usually has two persons or groups and if there was a stray animal nearby it's incidental species determines it's role in the event. To actually know what happened in the event either you have to be a part of the event as one of the parties, or an eyewitness at the site or make the effort to travel to the location and meet everyone concerned. Now usually this is nowhere near your neighbourhood, nor your city nor a state you have probably ever visited before. And you are not likely to take the trouble to g...